Support Public Schools Bermuda (Support Public Schools Bermuda)

Founded in June of 2018 by Canterbury Law Director and Rhodes Scholar Juliana Snelling, supported by a small core team of Bermudian volunteers, Support Public Schools is a community action initiative supporting the enhancement of learning in public school classrooms in Bermuda. Bermuda’s public school teachers often struggle to procure enough school supplies for their students and parents often cannot afford to buy them and was established to help address this need. A fundamental tenet of Bermuda’s Strategic Plan for Education is to provide the instructional resources that our students need in order to have a better quality education. supports this goal by facilitating private sector company and individuals to purchase or donate supplies to public schools that teachers specifically request from SPS. The Butterfield Group, the Green Family, Argus and other organizations have been proud and steady supporters of Support Public Schools Bermuda and assist annually in their mission to put school supplies directly in the hands of children who need them. During’s first 5 years in operation (2018-2023), more than $450,000 in new school supplies were purchased by supporters and hundreds of thousands’ worth of office and school supplies donated. That support notwithstanding teachers and students are always in need of more resources.

How Does It Work? 

Each year asks teachers in certain year groups at all 18 public primary schools to submit a “Wishlist” of supplies that they need to enhance learning in their classrooms. These supplies are then made available for sale at discounted prices via the website, Supporters can purchase the supplies with a credit card (multiple items may be purchased in one transaction) and also choose their preferred primary school to support. The supporter will receive a P-tix receipt detailing the items purchased.

Alternatively, supporters may make a purchase through a bank transfer to AF Smith Ltd.  and SPS reps will apply the funds towards supplies that have been targeted as most in need. Purchase monies may be sent to A.F. Smith (HSBC 010-715613-001 or Butterfield Bank 20006 060 173876 100), with a memo note stating your name and the reference “SPS SUP003”. Alternatively, you may simply call Ashley at A.F. Smith on 292-1882 with your credit card number and they will handle the purchase over the phone and again select schools and supplies most in need. Companies can also purchase goods on their customer credit account at A.F Smith. The SPS team works to ensure that schools benefit evenly over the year.

By purchasing discounted school supplies via the Support Public Schools, Bermuda ( initiative, supporters are putting geometry sets, glue sticks, composition books, musical instruments, play dough, fraction bars, language learning software (and other) directly into the hands of Bermuda’s future leaders. When they have the tools and resources that they need to learn, they have a better shot at being a successful global citizen, and feeling proud with self-worth.

The SPS team and retail suppliers then deliver the supplies free of charge directly to the classrooms on designated delivery days. Principals, teachers and students send thank you letters describing how the supplies are helping to improve our students’ education, as well as photos showing the items in use, which are posted on  Moving letters are received from principals, teachers and pupils attest to how the SPS supplies are being put to amazing use.

Thank you note from the Principal at St. George’s Preparatory School, Mrs. Gail Smith: 

 To the SPS Team,

You always seem to show up at the right time! Bringing books, games, art supplies, modeling clay, printing paper, head phones, puzzles, the list goes on and on. The children get really excited to see the new and exciting items coming into their classrooms. It feels like Christmas every time!

We, the teachers and staff, are truly blessed with all of your support and the outreach that you do to acquire these items is astounding. We do what we can to support the children and their families but you help us to add items that are normally out of budget. To receive support from your amazing team is uplifting. Your generosity and kindness is truly appreciated.

Where Do The Supplies Come From?

SPS sources the supplies (at a discounted price) from Phoenix Stores Limited and A.F. Smith Limited either via the website or by bank transfer (see above). These suppliers then deliver the supplies free of charge to public schools on delivery days with volunteers from SPS facilitating the deliveries and visiting with principals, teachers and students who are elated to receive them.

 Secondhand Items

SPS also facilitates public schools receiving good quality secondhand office furniture, equipment and materials from businesses and other sources, including over 120 good quality second-hand computers, desks and file cabinets, 3-hole punchers, scissors, easels, printer paper, file folders, printer paper, markers, etc. SPS volunteers also collect second-hand books, Lego, puzzles and mind-improving board games to gift to public school students for fun in the classroom.

 How to get involved 

Contact or telephone +1 (441) 296-8444 c/o Canterbury Law Limited. in Action,primary%20schools%20today%20and%20tomorrow,enhance%20learning%20in%20the%20classroom.,,Supplies%20to%20Public%20Primary%20Schools&text=Support%20Public%20Schools%2C%20Bermuda%20(SPS,enhance%20learning%20in%20the%20classroom.,public%20schools%20at%20all%20levels.

Images of in action

































SPS is not a registered charity. We do not solicit funds from the Bermuda Government or public sources. Instead, supporters of SPS make direct purchases of school supplies with our suppliers and those supplies are delivered to classrooms free of charge. SPS never sees, receives or handles funds. That way zero percent of dollars are spent on administrative expenses and 100% are spent on supplies. 

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